About us

About Us

EcoWEplus is a comprehensive waste management company based in Kochi, with a presence in Calicut and Bangalore. We provide ease and convenience to our customers in the home waste collection and transfer of waste, along with disposal, recycling, and resource recovery services.
We provide ease and convenience, to our customers, in the collection and transfer of waste along with disposal, recycling, and resource recovery services.

EcoWEplus has a collective experience of 15 years in waste management, where WE have recovered 15000 tonnes of materials yet, which would have ended up in landfills. We provide our waste pickup from home services to more than 100 resident associations, offering door-to-door waste collection for about 5, 000 homes. EcoWEplus has proved its expertise in waste management of 10 hospitals. Our other clients include more than 100 clinics and labs, 25+ apartments, 50+ hotels, and 100+ other Institutions.

We comprise of a team with 15 years of experience in waste collection & management, EcoWEplus have provided dignified job opportunities for more than 200 people. We have provided training for more than 1000 Haritha Karma Sena Members and 50 plus entrepreneurs.
Our other achievement is Zero Waste Events/ Green Events, through which WE offer its expert service in organizing sustainable and eco-friendly festivals, wedding ceremonies, and other social gatherings.

With its field expertise and commitment towards waste management, EcoWEplus have influenced over 20000 people, through its waste literacy campaigns.

Tackling problems at the root level is the best way to approach when it comes to Waste Management. Therefore we will be segregating wastes at the source itself.

EcoWEplus is committed to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 1 – No Poverty

Contributes to society by providing dignified job opportunities to economically vulnerable sections.

SDG 3 –Good Health and Well Being

We tackle wastes at sources and stops them from being a threat to humanity. Our commitment towards waste management ensures healthy lives and well being of society.

SDG 5 – Gender Equality

Equal opportunities and a safe working environment for women. Our partners include Haritha Karma Sena.

SDG 6-Ensure Clean Water and Sanitation

EcoWEplus assures that no waste will end up in water bodies in the areas we work in. Our professionally trained workers ensure sustainable and sanitized surroundings.

SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

A safe, hygienic, and decent work environment for all. Compliant to rights of our staff and related laws. Full and productive employment and a sustainable and inclusive economic growth opportunity for our workforce.

SDG 11-Sustainable Cities and Environment

Through its decentralized and advanced waste management, we make communities and cities, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

SDG 12 –Responsible Consumption and Production

Promotes, responsible consumption, through our awareness programs and a wide range of customers. Encourages, our industrial partners to ensure sustainable production patterns.

SDG 13 – Climate action

Our decentralized waste management system ensures that no wastes are dumped or burned unsustainably. Reduces Greenhouse gas emissions and ensures a clean and green environment.

SDG 14 – Life below water

Collects and segregates wastes at sources, and prevents waste dumping into water bodies, and thus helps in conserving seas, oceans, and marine resources.

Our Team

Dedicated Team

Mr. Razak Pulikalakath

Director - MSW & E-Waste

Mr.Fazil Saifudheen, CMA

Director – Strategy | Operations

Mr.Sheikh Shabuddin

Director - D & E

Mr.Ameen Azhar

Project Coordinator


Customer Care Manager